Friday, March 19, 2010

Procedural Hysteria

Impeach Pelosi! Bury Harry! Down with Obama! Ok, I get that many people are opposed to the reform bill now in the end-game in Congress. Despite not seeing the dramatic changes in our nation since Obama took over, I understand that people are upset. What I would like to see the end of, however, is this notion of attacking a "problem" that does not exist.

Please feel free to debate the place of the citizen government in the marketplace. By all means argue against deficit spending. Go to the mat fighting the notion of a tax increase on anyone; these are all worthy arguments....just dispense with the bullshit! I know it is crude, and I do apologize; there is simply no better way to describe the arguments of the Boehners and Bachmanns of the world lately. My problem is not their policy issues but rather their procedural "issues".

Please allow me to lay out a few facts:
  1. Budget reconcilliation was designed to allow deficit reducing steps to be pushed through the Senate without fillibuster. The first serious use of the tactic was by someone you might have heard of; the "Reagan Revolution" was substantially the by-product of the process. All of those nifty tax cuts came by way of the tool that Mitch McConnell now insists is the mark of the beast. Of course the Bush tax cuts of 2003 also came courtesy of reconcilliation. Interestingly, neither of these two packages trimmed the deficit (Bush's added $1.8 trillion directly to the debt).
  2. Deem and pass...also known as the "Slaughter Rule" was used by Speaker Hastert (that is Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert) 112 times during his tenure. When Michelle Bachmann is allowed to go on a "media blitz" and suggest Speaker Pelosi's impeachment and the "treason" of the mainstream media for failing to report this "compelling story about something that has never happened before".....folks....I don't like to be terribly rude (in this space at least). Representative Bachmann has two choices, and two choices only; either she is an idiot or a liar (of course she could be a lying idioit, which would give her a third option). Kind readers, you are not supposed to know these things, but members of the House are REQUIRED to learn the history and application of the body's rules.
  3. Schoolhouse Rock...I heard it mentioned this week. A GOP representative stated that the measure should be voted on just like he learned about it on that show (one of my favorites). I couldn't agree more, but here is the deal; both the House and Senate passed "the bill" already. Schoolhouse Rock dictates it be consolidated and sent to the President for signing. The process would have followed this path if not for the extensive use by the Republicans of "procedural gimmicks" to gum up the works. I still have not found a piece of legislation that passed both chambers and failed to become law.
I do not oppose the GOP tactics in their attempt to defeat this measure. Cloture rules and the filibuster exist in the Senate to enable the minority to stand on principle for their constituents in opposition to a measure pushed by a united majority. What I do oppose is the notion of WHINING and LYING when the majority uses perfectly legitimate methods to get around the procedures of the minority. None of this would matter except that people believe what they hear on television; this goes back to the nonsense about the "death panels" and the "government takeover". I have enumerated several legitimate reasons that could be cited by folks in opposition; the embellishments and sensationalism are not necessary.

We hear of "bi-partisanship" and "balanced reporting"; what we seem to lack is focused legislation and factual reporting. Sensible government, and the journalism that is tasked with illuminating it, are not about left and right finding harmony. Sensible government and journalism focus on the exposure of, definition of, and solutions to the challenges and opportunities of our nation. This political posturing has got to stop!

The RM needs YOUR opinion to make this work....


  1. Yes, you have made a good point to your argument. I will give you that, but no matter how much Pelosi and her gang does to sell the procedures, it still doesn't change the fact that this is for $940 BILLION dollars of which, $400 BILLION is upfront before the first band aid is applied. Just my experience alone with Medicare and Social Security has me very skeptical on how the Federal Government's involvement with any kind of health care plan is the answer. I won't go into my experience in detail, but I will say, I have been done with them for over a year and am no closer now than a year ago on fixing my problem with them both. Also, I might be sold on this if my Congressman would study this and explain it to me in plain English the final bill. Oh but wait, he can't because we won't know what their signing till they sign it...Huh! Pelosi said you will know what is in it when it is signed. OK, just give me the bullet points. Do we keep this part from the House version or take this part from the Senate version...I may not know much about this bill, but I do know that there are many people up in arms about the changes from the House to the Senate version. I would think that if there is this much controversy, maybe more debate is needed. President Obama’s term is not even half over, what is the rush? I know it is an election year, but wouldn’t this be a good time for President Obama and Speaker Pelosi to show how good of leaders and communicators they are to help their party? Why give their opposition ammunition for the upcoming elections. I thought the Democrats had the media in their back pockets. Can’t they use some of their media capital to get some time to argue their point? The president has no problem getting time on national media; he even took his argument to FOX News. By the way, I still don’t know what is in the bill. I have an idea for the democrats and republican; have Sarah Palin and Nancy Pelosi do a pay-per-view debate on TV on the bill to help with the $400 Billion upfront money. I would pay the $29.99 fee, just to hear what is in the bill and hear Sarah say, “Lipstick on a pig or hockey mom”. I’m sure my democrat friends have some Pelosi sayings they want to hear. I have to say it; I would like to hear Nancy use her alleged plastic surgery experiences in the argument. Ok, maybe I would go as high as $59.99.

  2. Well said Hank...thank you for the comment. If you are still interested, please refer to where all of the bills are posted. The Senate bill has been online in raw form and with CRS summaries since December 20. The Sidecar Amendment (Reconciliation) was posted yesterday. All of the major clauses have been posted in the three precursor bills, on Thomas, for months now.

  3. Great article Michael. I don't understand why Bachmann, etc. think it's okay to abuse their positions in order to disseminate misinformation to the public.
